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Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 6, 2016

The Great Mouse Detective

In London, circa 1897, a young mouse named Olivia Flaversham is commemorating her birthday suffering from her toymaker father, Hiram. Suddenly, Fidget, a bat with a fix leg, intrude, and also after a brief battle, vanishes experiencing Hiram. Fidget takes Hiram to Lecturer Ratigan who regulates him...

Mary Và Max

In 1976, eight-year-old Mary Daisy Dinkle (Bethany Whitmore) lives a lonely life in Mount Waverley, Australia. At college, she is aggravated by her schoolmates due to an unfavorable birthmark on her temple; while in the house, her distant papa, Noel, and also alcoholic, kleptomaniac mommy, Vera, provide...